Atlanta Gas Light Company Offers Cold Weather Tips

More unseasonably cold weather is expected for the upcoming holiday weekend. In anticipation of this colder than normal weather, Atlanta Gas Light Company wants to assure its more than 1.5 million customers in Georgia that there is ample supply of natural gas to keep them warm throughout the weekend and the winter heating season.

"We are experiencing unusually cold weather very early in the winter heating season," said Jim Scabareti, Atlanta Gas Light Company's vice president for gas operations. "Although additional demands are being placed on our system, we are doing everything possible to ensure that there is adequate supply of natural gas for our firm customers in Georgia. However, we encourage customers to conserve energy especially since natural gas prices both nationally and in Georgia are at unprecedented high levels."

There are a number of very simple energy conservation tips that customers are encouraged to follow:

  *  Set the thermostat at 68 degrees or lower;
  *  Lower the thermostat to 65 degrees while sleeping
  *  Seal leaks around doors, windows and other openings, such as pipes or
     ducts -- with caulking or weather-stripping;
  *  Set water heater temperatures at 120 degrees, and install water-flow
     restrictors in showerheads and faucets;
  *  Change filters or clean filters in heating and cooling units twice a
     year.  Close vents and doors in unused rooms.  If pipes or ducts run
     through unheated areas, insulate them;
  *  Refer to for additional energy conservation

To report a natural gas leak or any other type of natural gas emergency, contact Atlanta Gas Light Company immediately by calling 770-907-4231 in metro Atlanta and 877-427-4321 for outside metro Atlanta.

If you should lose electric power at your residence or business, many natural gas appliances, such as gas logs, grills and gas stoves and cooktops will still be operational. HOWEVER, your natural gas heating unit will typically NOT be working since the blower and thermostat are powered by electricity.

Atlanta Gas Light Company is the largest natural gas distributor in the Southeast and provides delivery service to more than 1.5 million customers in Georgia. It also is the primary subsidiary of AGL Resources, a regional energy holding company with operations throughout the Southeast, including Chattanooga, Tennessee and the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Although natural gas distribution is AGL Resources' core business, it also is engaged in other energy-related businesses, including retail energy marketing, retail and wholesale propane sales and customer care services for energy marketers. The company's home page address on the Internet is .

NOTE TO ELECTRONIC MEDIA: Atlanta Gas Light Company's gas operations center is staffed with experienced operational personnel 24-hours per day, 365-days per year. This is the company's "nerve" center for managing the flow of gas throughout our service territory. B-roll opportunities are available. Please call Nick Gold at 404-584-3457 or 404-275-9501 (cell) to confirm a time.

SOURCE: Atlanta Gas Light Company

Contact: Nick Gold, Manager of Media Relations of Atlanta Gas Light
Company, 404-584-3457, or cellular, 404-275-9501