Cool energy-saving tips for summer from Alabama Power

The Fourth of July is one week away and with it comes some of the hottest days of the year. Here are some tips from Alabama Power to help save money during the scorching temperatures of an Alabama summer:

  • Set your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher and use ceiling fans. Using fans creates a “wind chill” effect that can keep you comfortable even with a higher temperature setting on your thermostat. Raising your thermostat by 2 degrees can reduce your air-conditioning energy use up to 10 percent.
  • While ceiling fans are great, only turn them on when you are in the room. That’s because fans cool people, not spaces.
  • Instead of cooking with your oven, use a microwave, toaster or grill. These smaller appliances use only a third of the power of an oven broiler and will keep your kitchen cooler by creating less heat.
  • Chores such as mopping and washing dishes can add moisture and heat to your home, so save these activities for the cooler parts of the day. The same goes for using your clothes washer and dryer. You can save energy by waiting to use the washer and dryer or dishwasher until you have a full load. Save even more by washing clothes in cold water.
  • Each time you open an exterior door on your home, conditioned air escapes and hot air from outside comes in. Keep exterior doors closed as much as possible.
  • Choose light-colored blinds, shades and draperies for the sunny side of your house. Light colors reduce the amount of heat absorbed into your home. Make sure to pick draperies that are insulated or lined.
  • In your bathroom, reduce heat and humidity by closing the door and opening a window or by using an exhaust fan when taking a bath or showering.
  • Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • When going on vacation or out of town, raise your thermostat to a higher temperature while you’re away.

For more energy-saving tips, please visit Or call our customer service line at 1-800-245-2244 and we’ll send you our energy efficiency guide at no charge.

Alabama Power, a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Southern Company (NYSE:SO), provides reliable, affordable electricity to more than 1.4 million customers across the state.