Gulf Power drills for hurricane season


Tornado damage has dominated the news this spring, but now thoughts turn toward the hurricane season, which starts June 1. Gulf Power will conduct its annual hurricane drill on Monday, May 23 to test its response system.


 The utility has a comprehensive plan for any level of hurricane, and its line crews — among the most experienced and storm tested in the nation — have been recognized for restoration efforts following storms that have made landfall all over the Southeast.


 “We prepare year-round for storm restoration,” said Jeff Rogers, Corporate Communications supervisor, “and our crews are among the best in the nation to restore electricity, safely and quickly. This drill enhances our employees’ awareness and sharpens our skills.”


The company follows a detailed plan to rebuild the electrical system following a hurricane and works closely with the county Emergency Management personnel. Every Gulf Power employee has a storm assignment and if needed, the company brings in thousands of outside utility workers to help — often staging them ahead of time to speed response.


A Gulf Power storm team of more than 100 employees recently spent a week in the Tuscaloosa, Ala., area, restoring power to an area devastated by tornadoes. It was the fourth storm team that Gulf Power has sent out since January to help other utilities.


“This type of storm duty helps hone our employees’ skills as we head into hurricane season,” Rogers said. “Everyone knows their assignments and it’s amazing to see our employees come together and implement a restoration plan,” Rogers said. ”


Planning is also important for Gulf Power’s 430,000 customers. Gulf Power’s storm center website offers comprehensive preparation and safety information, as well as general storm tips and information how to report outages. The storm center can be accessed at


Gulf Power Company is an investor-owned electric utility that serves more than 430,000 customers in 10 counties throughout Northwest Florida. The company’s mission is to safely deliver affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible energy to very satisfied customers in strong communities. Visit us on the web at