Alabama Power Foundation offers Good Roots grants


BIRMINGHAM – The Alabama Power Foundation is pleased to announce
Good Roots, a competitive grant program offering up to $1,000 for communities and organizations to purchase trees for planting across central and south Alabama.


Good Roots is open to local governments, nonprofit groups and educational institutions across Alabama. Communities that lost trees as a result of the devastating tornadoes of April 27 are encouraged to apply.


Applications must be completed online by Sept. 19, 2011. Winners will be notified no later than Oct. 25, 2011.


In the past decade, the foundation has awarded more than $600,000 in tree grants to more than 600 cities, counties, schools and community groups. Grants have been used to buy thousands of trees for community parks, roadways, school grounds and other sites.


“We’re delighted to continue to invest in Alabama communities through Good Roots,” said Leigh Davis Perry, foundation president. “Trees protect the environment while helping create vibrant communities. We hope this year’s grants can also help areas and schools impacted by the storms of April 27.”  


For more information about the grant program, call foundation Program Manager Peggy Burnett at 205-257-2357. The application is available online at