Alabama Power & Alabama Marine Police Joint News Conference to be Re-scheduled
  What:  The joint news conference between Alabama Power and the Alabama
         Marine Police, a division of the Alabama Department of Conservation
         and Natural Resources, will be re-scheduled.  The news media will
         be alerted of the new date.

  When:  The news conference was originally scheduled for Wednesday,
         July 2 at 10 a.m. at Alabama Power Park, adjacent to Alabama Power
         Corporate Headquarters.

Alabama Power owns and operates 14 hydroelectric plants in Alabama, providing clean, low-cost electricity. The facilities also provide more than 150,000 acres of water and more than 4,000 miles of shoreline for the public's use and enjoyment.

  News Media Contact:  Alice Gordon
  Media Inquiry Line:  (205) 257-4155

PRNewswire -- July 1

SOURCE: Alabama Power