Lake Thurlow to drop 10 feet in January

Drawdown targets aquatic weeds; Yates Lake also may be affected

In order to reduce the spread of aquatic weeds, Alabama Power plans to lower Lake Thurlow from the normal elevation of about 288 feet to about 277.5 feet for a period of about 70 days. The lowering is scheduled to begin Jan. 6, 2010 and end around March 15, 2010.  


Low flows during the drought of 2006-2008 aided the growth in variable leaf milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum), an aggressive aquatic plant that can form into dense mats. The drawdown has been scheduled during winter so as not to interfere with fish spawning, and because exposing the weed’s roots to freezing temperatures can help kill it. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources have approved the drawdown plan. 


Because the drawdown is scheduled during a typically wet season, there is a possibility that Lake Thurlow could rise rapidly during heavy rains. There is also a possibility that the level of Yates Lake could be affected by the drawdown at Lake Thurlow, although not to the same extent. The public will be notified should there be a need to schedule a drawdown at Yates. 


Alabama Power will closely monitor conditions on the lakes and manage resources carefully. Individuals with boats and other water-related equipment and facilities should always be alert to changing conditions on Alabama Power reservoirs and be prepared to take the necessary steps to protect their property.


For updates, please visit or call 1-800-LAKES11 (1-800-525-3711).

News Media Contact:  Jan Ellis, 334-832-3305