Cost of holiday lighting still a bargain

Ever wonder just how much it costs to light up your house and tree for the holidays? Probably less than you think. It costs about $1.40 to run a string of 200 miniature holiday lights for about five hours a day, for 30 days.

Or, if you want to save energy, you can purchase LED holiday bulbs.  The cost to power 200 LED bulbs for five hours a day is only 19 cents for the month. According to the Alliance to Save Energy, each LED bulb uses only about one-tenth of the energy used by traditional mini-lights. Another great benefit of the LED is that they last a long time and don’t produce heat, which helps eliminate fire hazards.


Shopping tip: Buy next year’s LED holiday lights when they go on sale after the holidays. You’ll save now on the bulbs and save later on energy.


Another easy way to start saving on your electricity bill right away is to change the type of bulbs you use to light your home. You can save 75 percent or more on the lighting costs on your electric bill. Just switch out incandescent bulbs for new compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). CFLs also emit less heat than standard bulbs.


Gulf Power is extending its giveaway of two compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) through Dec. 15. The giveaway began for the month of October in recognition of Energy Awareness Month. Gulf Power will continue to offer customers two free CFLs when they complete a free online Energy Checkup for their home through Dec. 15.


Energy Checkup is a free evaluation of how energy is used in the home and is one of Gulf Power’s EarthCents programs designed to help customers find low-cost and no-cost ways to reduce energy usage.


To participate, customers can visit to perform the check-up. Customers will receive specific recommendations about energy efficiency, home improvements and steps to improve energy efficiency that can help them cut electricity bills.

Gulf Power Company is an investor-owned electric utility with all of its common stock owned by Atlanta-based Southern Company. Gulf Power serves more than 430,000 customers in eight counties throughout Northwest Florida. The company’s mission is to safely deliver affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible electric service to our customers while working to improve the communities we serve. Visit online at or on the company’s Facebook page, “Gulf Power Company.”