Alabama Power Archives unveils Appliance Sales exhibit

The Alabama Power Archives Museum has unveiled its newest exhibit, “The Electric Showroom: Celebrating 90 Years of Quality Living through Appliance Sales.”

Through the use of images and artifacts, this exhibit will showcase the appliance sales department and the role it has played in the company’s history. The exhibit is a modern representation of the original appliance showroom in the Archives museum. In 1922, the mission of Appliance Sales and Service was to offer electric appliances for homes to ease labor of daily life and improve the quality of life for Alabamians. In 2012, the mission remains centered on our customers — to add value and maintain the quality of life for the people of Alabama.

The exhibit will be on display through August. The Alabama Power Archives displays artifacts documenting the company’s role in the economic development of Alabama and the growth of electric power generating throughout the Southeast. The museum is located at 600 North 18th Street.

For further information: Hallie Bradley 205-257-4155