Hydro generation reduced to minimum

BIRMINGHAM - July 11, 2008 - Drought conditions continue to adversely affect Alabama Power lakes, and the company is taking additional steps to conserve water.

Alabama Power has cut releases from its hydroelectric dams to the minimums required to protect fisheries, endangered species, water quality and critical municipal and industrial uses. These minimal releases are the only times the company is generating any power from its dams. The company is working with government agencies, municipalities, businesses, and industry and community groups to coordinate conservation measures.  

Although spring rains and careful management of water resources helped raise lake levels in the early part of the year, the flow of water into our reservoirs has returned to the record low levels experienced in 2007. Below-normal rainfall in recent weeks, summer heat and evaporation have also led to lake levels falling at a faster than normal rate.

Alabama Power will do all it can to conserve water resources. Lake residents, and those who enjoy Alabama Power lakes, should be aware that the historic drought is far from over. People with boats and water-related equipment should remain alert to changing conditions and take the necessary steps to protect their property.

For details about lake conditions and operations, go to
and click on the “drought” icon. Details are also available by calling 1-800-LAKES11 (1-800-525-3711).


Media Contact: Pat Wylie, (205) 257-4155,