Stealing Electricity

Every month, Georgia Power finds people stealing electricity. Tampering with electricity to get "free" service drives up energy costs for all of us. Besides being illegal and costly, tampering with electric meters and lines is also dangerous. People who tamper with meters or wiring risk injury, fire, explosion and severe or fatal electric shock.

Our employees are trained to look for current diversion. When a meter reader discovers a broken meter seal or other tampering, it is reported and investigated. Georgia Power has full-time investigators looking into reports of energy theft. And they are very good at getting convictions against people breaking the law.

You also can help us curb energy theft. If you have reason to believe that someone is stealing electricity, or if you notice something suspicious, such as exposed wires or a tampered meter base, please call Georgia Power and share the information. Call our energy theft hotline at 1-800-533-1777.

Your report, of course, will be treated confidentially.